Wednesday, August 18, 2010

on the half shell

This week's Free Will Astrology column by Rob Brezsny had an interesting horoscope for Aries, working in the French Impressionists:

In the 18th century, the French Academy laid down rules about the differences between professional and amateur paintings. For example, it was decreed that true artists must create a "licked surface," hiding all evidence of their brushstrokes. The illusion was more convincing that way; viewers could sink their attention fully into the image without being distracted by thoughts about the artist's process. When the Impressionists barged into the scene in the 1870s, one of their rebellions against convention was to reject the licked surface. By making some of their brushstrokes visible, they declared they weren't interested in upholding the artifice. They wanted their audience to get involved in their subjective interpretation of the scene that was portrayed.

This plate of oysters by Gustave Caillebotte looks more interesting and appetizing (at least to me) because of the visible brushstrokes and the artist's process, which probably involved being increasingly hungry and hoping to finish painting soon and eat his models.